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Psychotherapy, Counseling, Coaching

There are two main ways to change emotional struktures or to solve problems and blockages: The first one is a deeper understanding of the self, further getting to know your own emotions, exploring subconcious structures and how they developed in your live. The second one is about strengthening resources and finding tangible solutions to solve problems or to regulate emotions. Whether I do counceling, coaching or therapy, I use both of these approaches, depending on what it is that you need in the moment.

Relief & Relaxation

Rosa Lotusblume

One of the most important ways to find emotional relief, to deal with inner tension and difficult circumstances, is a supportive human connection. Being able to share your insecurities and difficulties, being fully seen and heard, most often comes with a strong sense of relief. My focus is always to create a space, where you can develop trust and where we can fully focus on you.


To regulate your stress, I can also help you to find and learn a fitting relaxation technique. I use breathwork, meditation techniques and psychotherapy methods.


Fear, Shame, Grief or Hopelessness can make our live quite hard, sometimes even unbearable.

Often, negative Emotions are the reason why we are not able to make important steps and decisions in our live and focus on what we want.

Usually the reason for our negative emotions is not only the current situation but also a personal emotional pattern with its own history.

Counceling and Therapy should not be about “taking away” the emotion, much rather is it about understanding them, being less afraid of them and learn methods of emotional regulation.

Dealing with strong emotions

Insight & Understanding

In our heads is a whole world of dreams, fears, emotional patterns, ideas about relationships and inner regulations. This affects greatly how we perceive and experience our live, our relationships and our self. It determines, what we are willing to do and what we avoid. A big part of that world is not conscious to us, sometimes we are even afraid of it. If it is relevant for your current issue, we can discover together, what might be in your subconscious and help you to gain more clarity about yourself.

Tunnel aus Pflanzen

A difficult relationship, an exam, an argument at work or being overwhelmed by several problems. Whatever it is, councelling or coaching can help you to focus, clarify your goals, finding and strengthening the necessary resources and faceing the challenge. I can support you with your communication skills, with your emotional regulation or with setting up a plan for action. My guideline is: Being brave does not mean having no fear, being brave means being afraid and still acting on what is important to you.

Nationales Geotop Partnachklamm

Overcoming challenges

Einsicht Herausforderung

Positivity &


It is natural and good when people feel comfortable with themselves and their lives. A positive outlook in live does not only make you happier, it also helps us to act on what we need and be successful. It activates our intuition and creativity and makes us attractive to others. Unfortunately, unprocessed experiences of our past and internalised social expectations often interfere with our positivity. Here you can learn to identify and let go of negative conditioning. We can also use distinct methods to strengthen your recources and help you to find your power to create your life the way you want it to.

Live as LGBTQIA+

Regenbogen Socken

Being a queer person is not easy. Discriminating acts and structures are still present today and lead to minority stress and personal challenges. Even if you feel comfortable with your current community, experience of loneliness, shame and exclusion can leave scars that might influence your current emotions and experiences. As a queer Person, I know some of these topics myself and know how important it is to have a space where you can be fully yourself and share these experiences. Where you can completely take of the mask you had to develop in a heteronormative world.

Positivität Leben



"I believe the greatest gift I can conceive of having from anyone is to be seen by them, heard by them, to be understood and touched by them."

-Virginia Satir

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